Changing Lives with the Cross

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Food Distribution

On the fourth Saturday of every month from 9 to 11AM, the La Habra Church of Christ hands out food to those in need, free of charge. Thanks to the generosity of the La Habra Collaborative, we're able to help members of the community. A variety of foods are donated, including meats, bread, fruits & vegetables and desserts. Foods vary from month to month and are available on a first come first served basis.

A Day of Thanks

On Saturday, November 23, 2024, we were able to distribute food, as we usually do, but with a little extra. This day, we passed along 58 bags filled with all the side dishes for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.


Medical Equipment

The La Habra Church of Christ and the La Habra Host Lions Club have teamed up to help those in need of medical equipment. Typically, we have canes, walkers, crutches, commode chairs, shower seats and wheelchairs on hand, available to those who need them, free of charge. 

If you're looking to unload medical equipment, give us a call. We're happy to take a look at used and gently worn equipment that someone in need may benefit from.

Call Scott at (562) 900-6673 or Randy at (562) 458-1773.